CURRENTLY THE LAST WORLD IS UNDER DEVELOPMENT, so it's a bit jank.  Also, the background shader isn't moving in html5, and some room transitions are off due to some known html5 bugs in GMS2... BUT it's all good :3

Works Best in Chrome, since it has shader friendly settings enabled by default.

Controls (If you don't have a controller)

Jump/Select - Space Bar

Move Left/Rewind - A

Move Right/Fast Forward - D

Toggle Rewind - Z

Read Sign/Enter Door - T

Toggle Pause Screen - R

Switch Power (When you unlock it) - Q

Rotate Power (When you unlock it) - left and right arrow keys

Hitbox Power (When you unlock it) - K

Look up (for use with hitbox) - W

Look down (for use with hitbox) - S

Developer Things

Toggle Entangled Block Shader - M

Toggle Level Editor - P

Create Block - Right Click

Destroy Block - Left Click

Choose which block is being placed - left and right arrow keys

Give 20 Jumps - 2

Development log


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Pretty lovelypuzzle game with a  cute minimalist art style. Everything is straight forward and pretty simple to understand. Good color choices as well. I just wish holding the jump button didn't make you jump instantly. Maybe give players the option to switch between the two jump types? Keep it up man, you're on the right path.